Welcome to the Fox Valley Walk to Emmaus Website

We invite you to explore, search, and get involved. 

February Newsletter

February Newsletter

2025 Walk Dates

Registration is Open

Men’s Walk #39 April 24 - April 27

Women’s Walk # 40 May 1 - May 4

Spencer Lake Christian Center, Waupaca, WI

Community Gathering Events

The Community Gathering is the monthly reunion of the Emmaus Community, open to all members and their guests.

Gatherings are held throughout the state, generally on the First Saturday of every month. Potluck lunch begins at Noon, followed by a short worship service. Each worship service consists of singing, prayer, Fourth Day witness, a clergy message, and the sharing of Holy Communion.

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What is the ‘Walk To Emmaus’?

The Walk to Emmaus develops Christian disciples and leaders by inspiring, challenging, and equipping active adult church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, workplaces, and communities. It also benefits less active members seeking to renew a relationship with God, grow spiritually, or discover firmer foundations for their lives.

The program begins with a 72-hour short course in Christianity, that is wrapped in prayer and signs of sacrificial service. It continues for the rest of participants’ lives with follow-up groups that contribute to participants' ongoing growth in grace, along with the local church’s robust offerings.

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While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and walked with them.

— Luke 24:15